Sports and fun

Orphaned kids reading Christian posters

Coloring activity for orphaned children from the STEPS Character Building Program

Clotilde teaching the STEPS Program

Primary school students in Kikimi

School time

Coloring activity from the STEPS Character Building Program for orphaned children

Roll call

Studious boy

Child reading The Picture Bible in newly set up library

Child reading Jesus and Me in library

New library set up for Kikimi children



So happy to learn

Primary school built by Espoir Congo in Kikimi outside Kinshasa

Gino and Clotilde in newly built school

Beginning of the school year

The kids are so happy to be able to attend school

Class time

Clotilde using flash cards to teach the children biblical values

Theo helping kids perform the skit of “the little boy learning how to hunt”, from the STEPS Program

Natalie helping an orphan boy to color

Natalie teaching a Bible story using flannelgraphs

Dressing up an orphan boy to perform nativity skit

Recreational outdoor activities

Madlen with orphans from Kimbondo

Mylene driving a TFI jeep