Children with their hygiene kits at the CBA

At the Centre de Bienfaisance of Ankadivory (CBA), our team built a sanitary block of latrines and shower stalls for the 80 orphans and abandoned children who are permanent residents there. We conducted regular hygiene awareness classes, distributed personal hygiene kits and organized dentist check-ups for all the children and staff. We also dug a well for the centre, fitted with a pump and added two 4 cubic-meter cisterns on top of the dormitory building.
In the remote village of Masinandriana (approx. 150 villagers), we dug a well and built a sanitary block and a washhouse for laundry.
We built a fountain in the village of Manarintsoa to bring clean city water to several hundred villagers who previously had to fetch unclean water in nearby rice fields. The stewardship of this fountain has been successfully managed by an elderly local villager for more than 15 years. We also built latrines and shower stalls in this village.
We conduct monthly visitation to the minors’ quarter of the central jail of Antananarivo, where we have provided regular hygiene and health awareness programs for the past 15 years, in addition to our other activities. We did a pest control push to eliminate rat infestation. We also built beds for the inmates and fitted them with foam mattresses and individual sheets, as they previously had to sleep on racks similar to the ones used in the 18th century for the slave trade between Africa and America.
Published in 2019.

Dr. Jonas treating one of the orphans

Leilani & Mirana give a hygiene class to children at the CBA orphanage

Leilani & Mirana give a hygiene class at Felana Maitso orphanage

Latrines built at the CBA

Toilets built

Shower block at the CBA