Children, staff, and volunteers outside the new orphanage building.

In late 2010 the CBA, “Centre de Bienfaisance d’Ankadivory”, a home to 75 orphans and school to more than 240 children from three very poor villages was burnt to the ground. The fire completely destroyed the home, the school building, and all the centre’s belongings and equipment.
We were alerted to the dire situation and met with the directors to discuss what immediate needs we could meet.—Shelter, food, clothing. We arranged for their regular supply of food and in July 2010 collected enough winter clothes for all the kids to be warm during the winter (which is pretty cold up on the high-plateau where the centre is located).
While waiting for the new centre to be built, we are renting a house in the village and have equipped it with new beds and bedding, new kitchen supplies, and many of the other basic necessities for running an orphanage.
In January 2012 we sponsored the school supplies for the 75 children at the centre.
Our current project is to drill a well and install a pump for the centre, as their only water supply is the river which is half an hour’s walk from the village, and of questionable cleanliness, this presents many difficulties. Once the well is in operation, we plan to build shower stalls and latrines, as well as teach basic hygiene classes.
Originally Published in 2012.