Young school children with DVDs

Nigeria is currently the most populated country in Africa, with nearly 42% of the population under the age of 15, according to recent estimates. Our goal is to enrich the lives of these children, spiritually and educationally, by promoting Christian and character-building values.
We received a grant to sponsor 1,200 educational and character-building DVDs. The DVDs focus on skills such as safety awareness, problem solving, social skills, healthy habits, manners, consideration, making decisions and taking responsibility. These videos have been distributed to schools, orphanages, children’s sports clubs, homes of street children, centers for children with disabilities, Sunday schools and underprivileged families and individuals throughout Nigeria.
One of the places we visited is a home for street children. These children had been brought up in very poor conditions, with many being involved in gangs, crime and drugs at a young age. The staff at the center was overjoyed at receiving the videos. They plan to use them to teach the children basic educational and Christian principles. In addition, these videos will also help to instill a positive view of life in the children and give them hope for the future.
The principal of a primary school, who received a set of sponsored DVDs, said: “I had gotten your character-building Steps curriculum in the past and the lessons inside were exactly what children in this country need to learn. These DVDs are the perfect enhancement to my students’ character-building development program.”
One lady commented: “These DVDs are an answer to prayer! I was just talking with my overseer before you came about how we really needed some instructional videos to teach the children good morals. The DVDs are just what we were looking for.”
A church director remarked: “We wish to appreciate the Family for their love and support. We received a complete set of good, educating and empowering videos to be used in the children department of our church. We must say, it has been a blessing having those DVDs as they are a complete encouragement to the children and the teachers. God will bless you and replenish your ministry.”
Here is a note we received by email from a woman: “I would like to thank you immensely for the DVDs. The Christian ways of teaching, instilling good morals and building a Christ-like character in children while having fun, is simply amazing. I and my husband often join them in watching the DVDs and it’s indeed remarkable. I wish to ask that you please continue in your good works. The world needs more of you.”
Published in 2019.

Young children holding up DVDs

Young family with DVDs