Our band at the annual Christmas programme

On the 12th of December 2010 The Family International in Port-Harcourt organized and hosted our fourth annual Year End/Christmas show for about 170 of our friends, members, supporters, and Activated! subscribers. This has been the largest show to date that we single-handedly organized. The preparations started about two months in advance.
We were privileged to be given the use of an ideal, spacious hall in the biggest hotel in Port Harcourt, free of charge, along with refreshments compliments of the hotel. Other supporters donated a variety of drinks, snacks and cake needed for this occasion.
The show was a great success; the theme being the real meaning of Christmas and what one can do in service to others, as Christ did for us. Building on this theme, the show consisted of carol singing, dances, video presentations, testimonies from nationals working with us and a variety of Christian products for sale. Many commented on how much they enjoyed it and were edified by the message shared.
Originally Published in 2011.

Some attendees at the annual Christmas programme

Paul presenting a message at the Annual Christmas Programme