Ten tons of donated grains

Through sponsorship from the Lion’s Club, Durbanville, we received over ten tons of rice, samp (cornmeal mush), beans, and split peas to distribute. Volunteers helped unload this massive amount of food and piled it high on 16 palettes.
In order to reach as many needy families as possible, we decided to make food parcels of 4-5 kilos of assorted grains each. We delivered these at the local day-care clinic where we were able to give parcels to over a thousand different families from the townships, as well as to hundreds of patients suffering from HIV/AIDS and TB.
With over 10,000 kilos of grain to give to those in need, there was more than enough to also donate substantial amounts to 13 centres and soup kitchens, as well as thousands of individuals.
Some Thank You Letters:
- Thank you for the donation of 400 soup packs. Please be assured that these packs would be distributed to the patients visiting our Community Health Centre. (Kraaifontein Day Hospital)
- Thank you for providing hundreds of food parcels at the clinic. This is greatly appreciated by patients and staff. We hope you will be able to continue this valuable service. Kind regards and many thanks. (Durbanville Antiretroviral Clinic)
- Thank you for your kind donation. We truly acknowledge the endowment of food (samp and beans) that you and the Lions’ International organised for children at Baphumelele Children’s Home. Your contribution will definitely make a huge difference to each and every child. We must say that the food has come at a right time when we truly needed it; this Easter will be a very special one for the children. We thank you very much and may God bless you in every area of your work.
Your contribution will help us save the young, innocent children, whose lives have all been impacted by the HIV/AIDS pandemic rampaging in our country – they are orphans or they have been abandoned by dying parents, they have been dumped as little babies or they are HIV-positive themselves. One way or another, they have all already experienced death, disease, abuse, neglect and hunger in their still so young lives.
It is people like you, who help to give these children back their childhood, their smiles, their trust in life and a future. We are very grateful for your support. (Baphumelele Children’s Home)
Originally Published in 2009.