Suzanne posing with the children

Since our project’s earliest beginning we have supplied food to feed between 500 to 700 children a warm, nutritious meal five days a week in the two townships of Bloekombos and Wallacedene. As victims of their circumstances, these children, aged 2–14, desperately need hope for the future. Along with the food, the children are taught moral and character-building lessons, as well as Bible stories and songs. Although it is important to fill their hungry tummies, it is as important that these children receive the education and training they need that will help them for the rest of their lives.
Some Thank You Letters:- We thank you for the soup. May God bless you. It’s a privilege for us to have you provide it for us. We thank the Lord, and the soup is healthy. Thank you again. Thank you very much. –Maggy
- The reason I take the soup at the clinic for my child is because I don’t have much food for him at home. Thank you from father and son.
- The reason I come here and enjoy this soup is that it’s very healthy and it keeps my body going. Many times when I have nothing to eat I know that I can come and fill up my stomach here and there’s even enough to take some home with me. Thank you very much for your sacrifices. I truly appreciate it. P.S.: I am also happy to hear from the lady that gives us the soup that Jesus loves us and that she’ll pray for us. Thank you.
- We appreciate this soup because soon we be hungry again. It was very tasty and we appreciate it. Thank you and thank you Lord.
- Thank you for the clothes and everything you give us. I’m looking very nice because of your Helping Hand. Thank you.
Originally Published in 2008.