Hans and Pablo delivering emergency supplies on our first relief trip

The Family International members in Chile hold weekly in-house Bible studies, as well as retreats, seminars, workshops, and fellowships. They are active in many cities giving Bible studies in homes and offices, as well as offering, prayer, coaching and spiritual guidance. Our communities have a “hot-line” open for prayer and counseling to help counteract the plagues of modern society: depression, stress, addiction, inter-family problems, etc. We are committed to helping the people of Chile activate their faith and learn to bring God’s power and guidance into their homes and daily lives. To this end, we distribute inspirational and faith-building publications such as the Conéctate monthly magazine, Aurora books, publications and audio visual aids. We also work to be a positive force in our communities by helping with high risk groups, institutions, and in economically depressed areas.
In response to the earthquake (8.8 on the Richter scale) and subsequent tsunami of February 27, 2010, we have had the privilege of ministering to the people in the affected coastal and central parts of Chile. Our commitment is to continue these relief trips as long as our ministry is needed. There has been grief and trauma in every sector of society as people lost their homes, their livelihoods and even loved ones. We have had the opportunity to provide a kind of ongoing therapy, as we have been able to befriend many grieving families who have lost loved ones, as well as visit other displaced people who now live in the temporary government camp sites.
Thanks to generous donations from TFI members throughout the world and other concerned friends, we have taken food, toiletries, cleaning items, warm pajamas and other clothing, sheets, towels and blankets, toys, gifts, motivational books for adults and children, and Conéctate magazines to the people in the affected regions. We usually divide up into teams and go wherever the need is. Along with passing out the needed goods, we have helped with construction and removal of debris, organized games and therapeutic activities for the children, given Bible studies at the refugee camps and social centers, gone door to door and camp to camp to listen, comfort, and pray with all we meet.
We have been awed by the resilience and faith of the Chilean people. Once again, we want to express our thanks to the many donors whose contributions make these trips possible.
Originally Published in 2011.