The Nice Smile free dental clinic is part of Channel of Hope, a project of the Family International in Cebu, the most densely populated of the more than 7,100 Philippine islands. The clinic was set up earlier this year in Umapad Elementary School, Mandaue City, as a follow-up to the dental hygiene program that was launched in several public schools two years ago.
Dental problems rank highest of all the ailments children in this country suffer from, and toothache is the most frequent cause of absence from school. KADVO, a Japanese foundation, gave us the free use of their dental equipment, and local and foreign sponsors made donations to get the clinic up and running.
All of the Channel of Hope workers are volunteers who have dedicated their lives in service for God and their fellowman in the belief that sincere outgoing love can provide the answers to the problems that individuals, society, and nations face today. Our work is made possible through support from people who want to help make a difference in others’ lives.
Originally Published in 2006.