Family members distributing books to a school representative in Thailand

We were able to contact the director of the largest primary school in Angtong through flood relief work we did a previous year. The children come from underprivileged families and often lack in many basic necessities. The school has many needs as well, and we have worked to fill these through appealing to the business community and concerned individuals in Bangkok.
Over the last couple of years we’ve been able to provide donated canned goods, a satellite dish for educational purposes, sports equipment, educational material, shoes, and socks. We also organize activities for the children during our visits.
In 2008, we organized a seminar called "Teaching English" with Morals for representatives of the 16 schools in the district. They each received 36 sponsored character-building story books and 5,000 accompanying activity books for their respective schools.
Originally Published in 2009.