Family volunteers distributing donated shoes and other aid, Serbia

We have delivered approximately 500 kilos of humanitarian aid in the form of clothing, shoes, toys, dishes, and cleaning fluids and supplies to scores of displaced families that are still, after two years, living in temporary metal shipping containers.
When we first learned of these camps for displaced people, we immediately went to see what we could do to be of assistance. Just supplying sympathy and a listening ear meant a lot to them. But when we took the extra step of trying to alleviate their suffering by bringing them aid that would help them rebuild their lives, they were extremely grateful. A contractor who provides logistical support for the NATO troops on the ground in Kosovo donated sets of kitchenware, which were especially appreciated because these people had lost everything when their homes were burned.
Even though the UN has attempted to rebuild some of these people’s houses, the ethnic intimidation continues. One lady, who was forced to flee from her house in her nightclothes, was passing the winter only in her house shoes. After explaining her harrowing experience to Anna, Anna asked her what size shoe she wore. It turned out to be the same size as Anna’s. Anna then bent down, and to the bewilderment of all, she proceeded to take off her fur-lined boots and give them to this lady. News of this Christian gesture went around the community, as everyone was talking about the lady who had given her own warm boots to another in need.
We continue to visit those living in these housing containers and bring whatever aid we have available each time we visit Kosovo.
Originally Published in 2006.