O seguinte é uma variedade de poemas de Natal em inglês.
- "God Bless Us Everyone!"
- A Bed in My Heart
- A Lasting Christmas
- A Prayer for Christmas Eve
- Christmas
- Christmas
- Christmas Gift
- Christmas Is?
- Christmas Morning
- Evermore Be Led to Thee
- God's Candles
- He Must Be Born Within the Heart
- He stands among us still!
- His Name at the Top
- I Give Myself
- I Wish for You
- Let Not Our Hearts Be Busy Inns
- Little Lord of Light
- Living Christmas Each Day
- O little Lord of Christmas
- Old Gentleman Gray
- Our Father Did
- Ready for Christmas
- The Days Before Christmas
- The Gifts of Christmas
- The Glory of Christmas
- The Passersby
- The Stable Door
- The Story of the Christmas Guest
- The Wisdom of the Wise Men
- Toys for a King